
Killarney Lodge - Forest Bathing

Killarney Lodge - Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

Here at Killarney Lodge we’ve always known that our guests leave Algonquin Park feeling happier and more relaxed. Reading the messages left in our guest book over the years leave no doubt that at the end of their stay our guests are grateful and appreciative of their time here in Algonquin.

Walking our grounds or any of the trails that are easily accessible from the road are wonderful experiences that put a smile on your face every time.

In Japan this effect results from what they know as “forest bathing”, peaceful walks through the woods that reconnect you with nature. There is even a Forest Agency of Japan that endorses Shinrin-yoku, forest bathing, as a way to improve your overall quality of life. And it’s based on science.

We didn’t evolve walking in plastic shoes on synthetic fibre floors and a study by Dr. Qing Li, from the Nippon School of Medicine and the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine, proves that returning to our forest roots has benefits. Participants in his studies lowered their stress, anxiety and anger and felt measurably better energy levels. At the blood level, they found increased levels of cells that boost immunity. They speculate that when you walk in a forest environment you inhale essential oils that are released into the air by the plants. Who among us hasn’t stopped to take a deep breath of sweet forest air?

Killarney Forest Bathing

This link will take you out into Algonquin Park 30 Seconds of Killarney Lodge Calm – Forest Bathing

In case any of you haven’t already found a way to gently enjoy a forest walk or light hike, choose a route that isn’t too strenuous, rest when necessary and find beautiful spots to sit and read or or simply look out into the trees. You shouldn’t go more than five kilometres in four hours. That means many of Algonquin’s trails are perfect locations.

So science says its good for your health and your well being to take some time in the forest.

We could have told you that!
